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AVC adopts Innovation and Design Thinking Frameworks, by Stanford School of Business, as enablers for identifying the client's’ problems and designing effective solution to our clients for efficient implementation. We appreciate and respect the value of time and cost, we offer bespoke solutions to our clients to meet the reality with less waffle not wasting of time.


First step in providing effective solution in reducing cost with ensuring assets are reliable and safe to operate that is understanding client’s challenges and objectives.  AVC adopt a design thinking process at early stage of engagements  to ensure AVC propose the right solution for the client. The approach named design for delight D4D enables client to be part of the problem-solving process and enables AVC to move from offering typical solutions to creating and delivering values delighting clients.

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3 Steps D4D

1. Painstroming:

It is an interview with the client to understand challenges, determining pain points and collect data for proper solution. Painstorm session consist of introduction, series of questions and remarks.


2. Brainstorming:

A robust brainstorming session in-house by AVC consultants produces many bold solutions. Digital whiteboard with post-it notes and markers for solution-formulating session.


3. Adoption:

Presentation of the initial solution/scope to the client and  gathering feedbacks for final solution/scope for implementation.

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